Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 2015 Woman of Wonderosity!

Dear Diary,

There's another side to Vegas than what the rest of the world usually sees. All the lights and themed hotels are just props. The city is bankrupt. Bankrupt with ideas. Everyone just runs around trying to live out some fantasy that the commercials promise. But there's nothing here but trouble. Fantasies aren't real. What's real is that I'm in a holding tank. Apparently a lot of stuff went down last night. I kissed the Blue Ranger before getting ready for a wedding. There was the wedding of course. I think we were attacked. I may or may not have slept with Billy and Frankenberry at once. There was a tiger in the room. Oh and Diary, something bad happened to Princess Jasmine. As in the Disney Princess. I don't know that there's much I can do now. This might be my last entry. I might be trading my new clothes for nothing but orange jump suits. Do they allow bedazzlers in prison? 

-Miss M

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 2015 Heroic Hottie!

Dear Diary,

I'm packing for Vegas. So follow along with the scoop. I joined a therapy group for the broken hearted, and in the group is the one and only Sour Grapes. She's an old broad that made a deal with this guy that once she turned 50 she'd meet him in Vegas and if all went well, they'd get married. So the crazy thing is that she has never met this guy! Like, never. They "met" in a cooking chat room and that's all she wrote. Of course, this is where the rest of the group comes in. We are all going to Vegas to support her. And I might be getting some. By 'some' I mean the good old bump and grind. Billy the blue Power Ranger and I have gotten to know each other and he is so much fun to be around. He also asked me to share a room with him. Now I'm just packing with my girl friends and making sure I am beyond prepared for this Vegas trip!

-Miss M

Friday, February 13, 2015

After Dark: Friday the 13th!

Check in on everyone's favorite toys as After Dark continues, on Friday the 13th!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 2015 Bodacious Baddie!

Dear Diary,

So the group therapy for the broken hearted has been fabulous. I adore my therapy group so much. Who had any idea that a bunch of lonely folk could make me feel like I truly belong? At least for this moment in my life. But that's not the thing I am really excited about with this group. I have actually been hanging out with a guy from the group. I know Diary! I know! Don't judge me! I had no intention of joining a therapy group and crushing hardcore on one of my group members. But Diary, this is Billy the Blue Power Ranger we're talking about here. We have been having so much fun getting to know each other and he says I'm cute. I have a feeling he is going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I mean, could this not be any more better?

-Miss M

Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday I'm In Love: A Tribute to Numbers Nightclub

I've certainly discussed my delight in a few Kickstarter projects on here before, but this latest Kickstarter project is one I am totally in love with. Read on for more details!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

January 2015 Woman of Wonderosity!

Dear Diary,

Group therapy is great! I have been having the time of my life! It feels so good to be around like minded people who have had their hearts broken. It just makes my heart sing. I have a feeling some of my fellow members in the group have far more terrifying ordeals of the heart though. I am not sure I am ready to hear those stories yet. When do things start getting better, or do they have to get a little worse? Or maybe I just need to enjoy the journey and see where it all goes... 

-Miss M