Sunday, October 31, 2021

All My Toys: 259

Dear Diary,

Let's see. I have been back home for awhile. Luke and I are done. April and I are trying to fix our friendship, but she also wrote this horrible article about me. I know I need to talk to her about it, I feel like I can understand where she was coming from, but my goodness she wrote some horrible things. But, I have been reconnecting with my dad. That has been nice. I think about Finn and Oola. I hope they have made it back to their home planet. Anyways, I need to wrap this up. It's Halloween and I am meeting Sarah for a fun brunch! 

-Miss M

Friday, October 22, 2021

All My Toys 258

 Dear Diary,

It's been so nice to be back home from the mess that was Mojo, but I am settled back into Toy Valley. I'm so happy that I have gotten to see my dad. I have a movie night planned with Yvie. April and I are actually on good terms! Everything is really nice. Except for one thing. Well, a few things actually, but the biggest thing on my list is talking to Luke. I have no idea if he will want to see me, but I must let him know where I have been and hopefully everything will be ok. There is so much I need to tell him. I don't even know how this is all going to work out. Wish me luck Diary!

-Miss M

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Diary of a Dorkette Podcast Episode 2: Barbie Scents and the Taste of Halloween

Dear Diary,

It’s time for a new episode of the Diary of a Dorkette podcast! Click the link to learn more and enjoy the fun chat I had with @ThriftedSoul83


Monday, October 18, 2021

All My Toys 257

The conclusion to the Mojoworld madness happens right after the jump!