Sunday, June 30, 2024

Women of Wonder! June 2024: April O'Neil (Neca)

Check it out, a new Women of Wonder! Making it just in time as we close out another month. Click below for more!

The very end of June...

Cloud Keeper: Here you go, new keys should work just fine. I tried to tidy up some...

Cloud Keeper: But the former tenants that lived here, well, they were an unruly bunch.

April: Thank you, we can take it from here.
Cloud Keeper: Alrighty. The folks at Wayne Enterprise said you'd be more hands on with the remodeling. Let me know if you need anything though.
April: Thank you again.
Scarlett: Have a nice day.

April: Well? What do you think?

Scarlett: It's a fixer upper for sure. How did you end up deciding on this place for the new Diary of a Dorkette office?

April: Oh easy. As you know, Miss M is engaged to Bruce Wayne. One of his realty firms scooped this lair up for next to nothing, and he practically gave it to us when M told him we were downsizing.
Scarlett: I thought business was booming for Diary of a Dorkette?
April: Oh you know how it ebbs and flows. It's been a bit more of an ebb lately.
Scarlett: Ok. So, why call me? Need me for another monthly feature?

April: Not exactly. I went ahead and made myself this month's feature, being the editor in chief and all, I get to make these tough journalistic decisions. 
Scarlett: Sounds like you.
April: Even took my own photos, even though I'm not as good with the posing like I used to be.

Scarlett: Still not answering my question though. Why bring me here to see this new office space? I don't work here. You and I are friendly, and go way back, but are far from best friends. Shouldn't you be celebrating this new move with Miss M, or Irma?

April: I will. I wanted you here for two reasons. I'll need to assemble a team. Not for saving the world or anything, but more so for renovating this place so it looks less groovy retro villain hideout and more dorky chic office. I need some walls busted up, and since I can't get in touch with the Kool-Aid man...

Scarlett: You thought I could get G.I. Joe in here to help with remodeling?
April: Yes. As for the second thing, I'm planning a big party for the end of the year. A celebration of the journey Diary of a Dorkette has been on and where it will be going. With the excitement of introducing the Women of Wonder feature, and since you were our first interview, I thought you'd like to be the special guest.
Scarlett: This is making a little more sense now. Why do I get the feeling there's more to this party though?
April: There is.

April: I'm planning to announce at this celebration my stepping down as editor in chief. I'm hanging up my yellow jump suit.
Scarlett: What? You've been doing this for so long though...

April: I know. I've had quite a career. Delivering news. Powerful investigative journalism. Running this blog behind the scenes. 

April: I'm just tired now. I've been held hostage. Fought against all kinds of villains. Gotten to meet so many people. Reunited with my dad. Somehow managed to have a happy marriage with Casey. I feel like I hardly ever see him.
Scarlett: You have done a lot.

April: I know. Shredder is gone. The Turtles are busy making movies and new series after new series. There's always a new April. I'm feeling like now might be a good time for something else.
Scarlett: What are you thinking?

April: I dunno. Maybe I'll go back to reporting the news, for a local tv station or something. Go back to my roots. Or maybe I'll teach at a college, some news media or journalism program. I don't know. Maybe I'll start a family with Casey. Design some couture yellow jump suits and become a fashion mogule. Who knows? I just know that I am ready to step down from my duties with the Diary.

Scarlett: Does M know?

April: Not yet. I almost told her, back in the old office space. I kept hinting that I needed to downsize. It was sort of my way of starting the conversation.
Scarlett: But knowing Miss M, she went and found a smaller more affordable space. 
April: And came up with the idea for the Women of Wonder feature. She's not ready to let go.
Scarlett: But you are?
April: Yeah. Anyway, that's a bigger issue that doesn't need to be solved right now. I mainly want to know if you'll be the special guest at the party and send over some of those muscle heads to fix this place up?
Scarlett: Sure. You know you can count on the Joes.

Moments later...

April: Ok, so maybe this place is looking more familiar. Although I've changed so many offices through the years, it's hard to really know what is familiar anymore. This new look is not bad. It's a nice touch to the past with some modern upgrades. However, it ultimately is not as exciting as it was when I was making the pre-order. These multiple elbow joints seem a bit excessive and deter from feeling comfortable with proper prosing. Lots of great accessories though, and hands! Lord, you don't want these hands! Ha. Head swapping seems like an apprehensive endeavor, almost like everything is just a tad too delicate. All in all, the look is great and classic, but it just feels like something is missing. Oh well. This new space will do for now. 

Women of Wonder!
June 2024
April O'Neil (Neca)

Earlier in the month...
Baroness: You heard the news? This spot we've been sneaking into just sold. We won't have much time here.
???: Do you know who made the purchase?
Baroness: Not yet, but my intel is working on it. We'll need to find a new place to meet. And not the Dairy Queen in the mall.
???: Yes I know. Discretion is our number one priority, even though I love a Blizzard.

Baroness: You can get one when we aren't busy plotting. Now, have you been figuring out our next steps? 
???: All I know is what we have discussed thus far, our mutual desire to destroy Miss M. Neither of us wants to get our hands dirty though.
Baroness: Le sigh. So, we're back to square one then hmm?
???: Not exactly. Did you read those articles I sent you? I think they contain our answer.
Baroness: Yes. I did. 
???: Thoughts?

Baroness: It would appear that if we are going to succeed in killing Miss M, we will need to make a nod to the past and how it was done before. We'll need to find a wrestler...

To be continued!

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