Thursday, October 24, 2024

Women of Wonder! January 2024: Destiny

 Travel back in time to the beginning of 2024 for the year's first Women of Wonder! 

Miss M: Ok. So. It's been over thirty minutes. How long should I wait? 

Miss M: If I were April, I'd probably say enough of this, I'm headed to a fancy bar for some snacks and a strong drink. Maybe she wouldn't say that, maybe I'm just thinking about food.

Miss M: I mean this is the first interview in a series for the year, a chance to bring things back true to form for the Diary, and no one has shown up.

Destiny: I could ask who you are waiting for, but I already know. Pretty ambitious to interview a chunk of the cast for a new Star Wars show debuting later this year.

Miss M: The Acolyte is set to be one of the biggest hits of 2024, interviewing them now sets us up ahead of the game. And will bring in higher views and clicks. Why am I even telling you this? I don't even know who you are! Total apologies if you are part of the show.

Destiny: You may not know me, but I know you. I've seen you. Your future. 

Destiny: There's trouble for you, brewing just under the surface. The sweet lovable Miss M, the end of the year will be your undoing.

Miss M: Ok. Settle down Miss Cleo. 
Destiny: My name is Destiny.
Miss M: Ok. And? I don't think I care much for whatever negative thing you're trying to put on me and my future! No matter how oddly cool you look!

Destiny: Please understand, I am not trying to be negative. Just trying to show you the future I see, I certainly don't plan for these things to happen.

Destiny: That is why I am here though. Because of what I saw. I also called your office to find out your schedule and that you'd be here. You've had people try to kill you in your past. But this time, I see that someone will succeed where others have failed. There will be...

Miss M: Oh lawdy. You're trying to tell me that someone might want me dead? Plotting my death is such a tired old trope at this point. Listen, I don't know what kind of stunt this is, but I'm outta here. I have snacks to find.

Destiny: There will be a death, of that is certain. It might be you, but it might also be someone close to you. My visions don't always make sense, but I envision white and blood. Everywhere. 

Miss M: Aight. I'mma head out. Not getting paid enough for this.

Moments later...

Osha: Hello?

Osha: Why would we be interviewed at some Beauty and the Beast palace and not on a more sci-fi set?

Osha: Maybe there will be some kind of backdrop? Hello? I'm looking for Miss M.

Osha: Is it possible that I am at the wrong place?

Osha: Ok, who are you?

Destiny: My name is Irene. Some call me Destiny. I have a glimpse of yours.
Osha: Is that so? And what might you see of my destiny?

Destiny: I see hope lost, a battle that will be waged across limited screens, and ultimately cancelled.

Destiny: Worry not though, it could always be worse. You could be set to have a wedding with a massacre that rivals one from Moldavia...

To be continued!

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