Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Truly Outrageous: Jem/Jerrica TLS Doll Review!

 The Loyal Subjects tackles Jem and the Holograms and it's outrageous!

Back in September The ToyBook shared some info on The Loyal Subjects' toy lineup for 2025 and it included a debut image of everyone's favorite '80s pop star doll with a secret identity: Jem! You can learn more about that issue by clicking here. To say I was thrilled would be an understatement. The Loyal Subjects (TLS) has been a fan favorite toy company for many years. I have enjoyed their mini figures from franchises like Aliens, Masters of the Universe, and the ThunderCats to name a few. But in the past year or so they have really been bringing it with their take on Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite. It's been a pink aisle lover's dream. To say nothing of what they have planned for other beloved toy lines. 

Jem and the Holograms has one of the most dedicated fan bases and it is worth noting that unlike other beloved properties from the '80s, Jem does not get the same kind of love. The original animated series is one of the greatest series ever, but there has never been a rebooted series. Jem fans had to wait decades for a movie that was met with less than thunderous applause. There was a comic series released around the same time that did fairly well for awhile. Doll collectors had to trade in their life savings to afford a very expensive doll line from Integrity Toys that debuted in 2012 and wrapped up for the 35th anniversary. And aside from some merchandising here and there on shirts or earrings, a dvd set, there has not been a proper return to toy aisles. Until now.

The first release (with hopefully more to follow) is a Jem doll loaded with items from an extra fashion to musical stand, stickers, and concert ticket with backstage pass lanyard. TLS is making sure that they make a mark with Jem's return to the stage, by way of the toy aisle. Currently an exclusive to Walmart, she has been popping up in certain stores. There's been some confusion on the actual release date, I read February 1st, some say a larger roll out will be on February 11th, and as is the territory with collecting, some fans were finding her in stores in January.

I had been doing some snooping at the local Walmart in my town a few days before the 1st and had noticed the barcode spot on a shelf and knew she'd probably be appearing soon. So, on the 1st I dragged my husband with me, he actually loved it, and I nervously made my way to the toy aisle. He had already looked her up on the app and it said she was in stock at our local store so I was excited but also trying not to get my hopes up. After I made my way to the end cap she was on, I just gasped with so much joy. To see those bright colors, it was just exciting.

First impressions were that TLS really captured the essence of the original line with the packaging. The colors are bright and pop. The logo is the same, they weren't trying to reinvent the wheel, they kept it as a lovely continuation from the original packaging. There are some differences of course, the illustrations that were prominently featured on the front of original boxes are not there. The box is slimmer. But there's no mistaking that this is a Jem doll. Second impression was how heavy the box was, which we'll get into more soon.

Impressions of Jem's face, I have no complaints. The makeup is very Jem. It's a nice metallic pink. The earrings don't light up, but they do look like her earrings instead of tiny bulbs. She's got the big '80s hair. 

Back of the box features classic Jem illustrations. So while they were not featured on the front like the original, they still make an appearance on the box. I actually love this. TLS could have made all new illustrations, and I would not have been opposed to that, but since this is the first time that Jem has been brought back to toy aisles, I think keeping the packaging in line with the original makes sense. 

Those original illustrations show up on the sides too. I love those palm trees. I love everything about this packaging. The colors and everything just pop.

One side for Jem and the other for Jerrica. Packaging is just perfect. Much like how they have managed the packaging for Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite, TLS knows what they are doing and I am happy with it.

And here she is, ready to rock! Jem! Jem! Jem!

Are you going to make a new album?

What's your real name?

How does it feel to be famous?

I remember how it all began, with the unexpected death of my father...

Let's start this review much like the original animated series, with Jerrica Benton. 
There's been a lot of chatter online about the decision to make Jerrica essentially Jem in a Jerrica dress. Some fans wanted the new doll to look more like Jerrica and have that difference when posing the doll as Jem. I personally am not bothered by this. I think it follows along with the original doll. The gimmick of the vintage doll was that you could display her as Jem or Jerrica, but she essentially had the same makeup and her hair was a mix of mostly blonde hair and a streak of pink. There wasn't a stark difference with vintage Jem/Jerrica, she looked the same just in a different dress. 

I also don't know what TLS could have done differently. They could have made the doll with wigs to swap, which sometimes looks goofy on dolls. They could have added swappable heads, which probably would have added extra costs. I suppose they could have given us some blonde and pink hair together, but I really like the pink. And who knows, maybe at some point they will release a standalone Jerrica doll. For now though, what we have feels like enough for me.

More impressions on this doll are that the plastic is really heavy and the doll feels like a sturdy expensive doll. For $24.99 Jem comes with a lot, but if they had just made the doll only, I feel like the price would still have been justified because other companies charge this same amount for dolls that feel like the plastic is rubbery or the plastic might be good but there is no articulation. Or like wobbly articulation. I love the Integrity Jem dolls, but even they had a feel of flimsiness to them, especially with their legs and hip joints. And those were even more expensive, like in the $100 range. I'm not picky I promise. Maybe a little picky. 

Jem/Jerrica is articulated at the ankles (ankles also swivel), knees, hips (with a thigh swivel), shoulders (with a swivel), elbows, wrist (swivel too) and neck. There is also articulation under the bust but I couldn't get much movement out of it. Admittedly I also didn't try very hard. Not a fan of the pins at the elbow joints. I'm a little spoiled with the ever changing technology of toy articulation. Some areas the articulation is a bit stiff, but I would rather have stiff articulation that you can warm up with a blow dryer versus loose rickety joints. Jem has been around for a long time, but not that long. She's still young and fresh with a new look.

Quality fashions are what I like to see in a doll fashion. Really nice materials, sewed nicely. Her belt is reversible. The fringe is nice quality and reminds me of the original. Jerrica's dress was a bit of a challenge to put on, the fabric does not give and with slight stiffness in her shoulders, it took a little maneuvering. Nothing too terribly bad though.

Glasses are easy to try on and stay put for the most part. Hat is another story. I'm sure there is a way to properly fasten it to her head, I am just not coordinated enough so Jerrica is sporting a nod to the Purple Pie Man.

Love the metallic plastic for the shoes that they stay on her feet. 

It's showtime Synergy!

And there she is! Jem! I've got my eye on you!

Let's talk hair real quick. I have noticed from photos online that each Jem doll has a unique approach to her hair, they don't all look the same. I had to kinda fix mine up a bit, and it's a bit patchy in some areas. Depending on how some it parts you can see scalp.

Her hair certainly has body though and that quintessential '80s mane. I think a bit of feedback might be that she needs some more bundles to fill in those scalp spots.

But she does look fabulous.

Truly, truly, truly outrageous.

Jem's dress sparkles ever so. Again, the fashions feel nicely made and full of quality. She's missing her bangle bracelet, which is me just being nit-picky, that detail doesn't take anything away from how nice this doll is.

Her tights are nice and sparkly. The shoes are just delightful. That metallic pink is great. I realize the pinks are a little darker on her dress and shoes from the original doll and how she appeared in the animated series. I can see how these things might bother some, I am certainly aware of these choices, but again, I may be biased, I am obsessed with this take on Jem.

Microphone carries on the theme of hot pink and fits nicely in her hand. Which leads me to a bunch of the extras.

Now this is how you do a doll stand. The Jem logo as a base is a great touch and with the press of a button plays a snippet of the Jem theme song. It's a re-recording but sounds close enough to the original. 

Doll stand can also transform into a mic stand. Love the double use of this, it's clever and cute. Like the plastic for Jem, this stand is nice and sturdy. One thing that always drove me crazy about the Integrity Toys Jem stands was the delicate nature of the telescopic pole staying connected to the base, or the hook or saddle pieces disconnecting from the poles. For the price, those stands really needed to be better than they were.

Fun holographic backstage badge and VIP lanyard. 

Love that this is a thing. And if I worked in an office still, this is how I'd be sporting my work badge, HR rules be damned.

TLS also included a cute sticker sheet. Thrilled to see the Misfits on this sticker sheet, perhaps this is a sign of more dolls to come?

Comb is a great use of the logo. Perfection!

There's also a concert ticket decked out in shiny holographic card stock.

This is a really cheeky touch and makes me wish there was a Jem and the Holograms concert to attend.

For now it'll just have to be Jem on a play stage belting out her hits.

Hopefully Kimber doesn't see this and think Jem is trying to take the spotlight, that's all we need is Kimber to run off and get in her feelings or end up kidnapped and dropped off in a volcano. 

And yes, I am using a modern Barbie and the Rockers stage set for these photos, but that's not a big deal. The Misfits have done far worse.

Toy collectors live in a world where so many beloved properties have more lives than Jason Voorhees, there can be a bit of fatigue. For fans of Jem though, this doll represents a pretty big deal. It's the first time since her original debut in the '80s that a toy company has been willing to take a chance on a retail return for Jem and the Holograms.

I'm hopeful that The Loyal Subjects will continue to make some truly outrageous Jem dolls. She's currently an exclusive to Walmart with some stores having already put her on shelves and some online reports saying that February 11th will be a larger release date. I don't know all those details, but she is starting to show up in Walmart stores. It has also been shared that later on in the year a more paired down release will be available in other stores.

If you're a fan of Jem or just like collecting cool dolls, I certainly suggest looking for her. I've had so much fun taking pictures and just celebrating this moment for fans and collectors. It's like a dream. Until next time!

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