Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Toy Chest Tuesday! Pound Puppies Part 2!

Toy Chest Tuesday is here, barking up another dorky tree! Click below to read more.

This past summer I did a Toy Chest Tuesday on Pound Puppies, and I wanted to do a quick add on. I recently came across a really special item for my collection, my favorite Pound Puppy character in miniature form!

Nose Marie was my favorite Pound Puppy character from the 1986 cartoon. I loved her dress and the coloring used for her animated version as well as the toy version. She is a bloodhound/boxer and I have been searching high and low for this miniature. Collecting this version of Pound Puppy toys is rather interesting. There are moments where eBay will have some things and other times the whole landscape will be barren.

Isn't this just the cutest miniature? I am so happy to have this. The closest thing I had to toys like this were a set of Pound Puppy birthday candles. Yes, I totally played with wax candles for toys as a kid. My parents were always so concerned about me and how I'd turn out in life. I remember my mom telling me, "These are candles. You can't play with them because they can light up with fire." It's not like I was going to play with matches or a lighter. And I clearly wasn't Drew Barrymore so there was no reason to think that things would just spontaneously burst in flames. 

I was actually one of those strange kids that was always concerned about doing the right thing. I remember being scared of one toy because there were flames on it and I was like, "I can't play with fire!" But I totally played with wax candles. Oh goodness. On a side note, those poor candles melted down. My brother and I found them on our last Attic Outing, and it was so sad. There was nothing left but Pound Puppy candle parts melted into one dried wax mass. So sad.

Here is the back of the card, which should look familiar to those who read the original Toy Chest Tuesday Pound Puppy feature. I loved this cartoon so much. I just love the idea of cute things like this. Barkerville is a high-class dog. That's comic gold! 

Anyways, I wanted to share this little mini Toy Chest Tuesday with you all. Hope all is well, and stick around! I've got a Bodacious Baddie coming up that will reinvigorate the villain in girl toy lines. 


  1. That's pretty cool! I remember watching the cartoon and I think I even had a few mini figures, but they've long sice been lost. My mom saved a bunch of our plush Pound Puppy toys. My daughter loves her little puppies. :)

    1. Oh that is so cool that you had some of these! I wish I had when I was younger instead of the candles. lol But this is why we have eBay. lol I'm glad your daughter is able to enjoy the Pound Puppies now too!

  2. I think my sister had one of these years and years ago.

    1. Oh that's cool John! I also have a board game, but I am saving it for another time. lol

  3. This made me smile :) I played with anything that was tiny and cute when I was a girl, too. I see Sarah and Ava picking up little things here and there to put in one the bags or baskets they are always carrying around. I love to look through them sometimes just to see what they've been playing with. Currently, they are obsessed with toothpick umbrellas and I found a large pack of them at a garage sale! They have a momma pound puppy, two puppies, a carrying case and a pound kitty. Ava likes to set them up to drink milk from the mom (ew!) but I guess that's just natural ;)
    I'm glad you got a lil somethin that made you feel warm and nostalgic :)

    1. I'm glad it did Laura! Yeah, I was totally mesmerized by anything tiny and cute! Some things also never change. lol I love that your kids are currently obsessed with toothpick umbrellas. I remember thinking those were the coolest thing when I was little.

      And I remember you showing pictures of the momma Pound Puppy. I have always been slightly creeped out by toys like that. I mean I get that it is natural and stuff, but even when I was little I was not fond of the baby dolls or the stuff that mimicked real life. lol I just like the world of make believe, but that is sweet that your daughter is having fun playing with those things. That is important, ya know?

      And I'm really glad I got this little Pound Puppy figure too. I have been searching for one for years now. I hope you are doing well and I will talk to you later!

  4. Wow that Bright Eyes on the back of the package looks nothing like the cartoon. Do you remember the Star Pup episode? Where three dogs that were made to resemble the Marx Brothers came to determine which puppy was the legendary star pup? And Nose Marie drew the star mark on herself so they would think it was her?
    I probably only remember that cartoon so well because of the reruns they would show on Cartoon Network in the afternoon. Every time I stayed home sick from school I saw Pound Puppy's, Paw Paw Bears, Smurfs, Snorks...now Snorks I forget if they ever made any Snork toys, but I totally want them if they did!

    1. I know! Bright Eyes looks nothing like the cartoon at all! There is more of a resemblance with the actual figure, but yeah, there is a huge difference! I also vaguely remember that Star Pup episode. I really loved that cartoon though.

      I also loved the Snorks!! Oh my goodness, we have got to find out if they had toys. I love the Snorks. I miss all those old cartoons too. So much fun.

      Ok so I just took a brief break, and apparently they did make toys! I am gonna look them up on eBay now! lol
